The Other Side of the Falsified Genocide


  Slayer Armenians Reveal Their Turk-Killing Ways   
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Mahmut Ozan
Edward Tashji
Sam Weems


Let's take a look at the ferocity of Armenians... in the words of Armenians. (Along with Russians, and others.)

Perhaps subconsciously, "Human Rights Champion" Peter Balakian was thinking of his own people, when he uttered these following words. 

An Armenian Officer Reveals All in "MEN ARE LIKE THAT"

Men Are Like That 

Ramsden Hartill

The Bobbs-Merrill Companv, Indianapolis (1926).

[Memoirs of an Armenian officer who participated in the Armenian massacres of Turks]

Ohanus Appressian

page 20 (second paragraph)
"Our men armed themselves, gathered together and advanced on the Tartar section of the village. There were no lights in the houses and the doors were barred, for the Tartars suspected what was to happen and were in great fear. Our men hammered on the doors, but got no response; whereupon they smashed in the doors and began a carnage that continued until the last Tartar was slain. Throughout the hideous night, I cowered at home in terror, unable to shut my ears to the piercing screams of the helpless victims and the loud shouts of our men. By morning the work was finished."


page 15 (second paragraph)

"The Tartars [Muslims] were, for the most part, poor. Some of them
lived in villages and cultivated small farms; many of them continued
in the way of life of their nomadic forefathers. They drove their
flocks and herds from valley to valley, from plain to mountain, and
from mountain to plain, following the pasturage as it changed with
the seasons. They ranged from the salt desert shores of the Caspian Sea far into the mighty Caucasus Mountains. Even the village Tartars are a primitive people, only semi-civilized.

I can see now that we Armenians frankly despised the Tartars, and,
while holding a disproportionate share of the wealth of the country,
regarded and treated them as inferiors."

page 202
"We closed the roads and mountain passes that might
serve as ways of escape for the Tartars and then
proceeded in the work of extermination. Our troops
surrounded village after village. Little resistance
was offered. Our artillery knocked the huts into heaps
of stone and dust and when the villages became
untenable and inhabitants fled from them into fields,
bullets and bayonets completed the work. Some of the
Tartars escaped of course. They found refuge in the
mountains or succeeded in crossing the border into
Turkey. The rest were killed. And so it is that the
whole length of the borderland of Russian Armenia from
Nakhitchevan to Akhalkalaki from the hot plains of
Ararat to the cold mountain plateau of the North were
dotted with mute mournful ruins of Tartar villages.
They are quiet now, those villages, except for howling
of wolves and jackals that visit them to paw over the
scattered bones of the dead."


p. 203 (second paragraph)

"One evening I passed through what had been a Tartar village. Among the ruins a fire was burning. I went to the fire and saw seated about it a group of soldiers. Among them were two Tartar girls, mere children. The girls were crouched on the ground, crying softly with suppressed sobs. Lying scattered over the ground were broken household utensils and other furnishings of Tartar peasant homes. There were also bodies of the Muslim dead."


p. 204 (first paragraph)

"I was soon asleep. In the night I was awakened by the persistent crying of a child. I arose and went to investigate. A full moon enabled me to make my way about and revealed to me all the wreck and litter of the tragedy that had been enacted. Guided by the child's crying, I entered the yard of a house, which I judged from its appearance must have been the home of a Muslim family. There in a corner of the yard I found a women dead. Her throat had been cut. Lying on her breast was a small child, a girl about a year old."

Page 218 (first and second paragraphs)
"We Armenians did not spare the Muslims. If persisted in, the slaughtering of Tartars, the looting, and the rape and massacre of the helpless become commonplace actions expected and accepted as a matter of course.

I have been on the scenes of massacres where the dead lay on the ground, in numbers, like the fallen leaves in a forest. Muslims had been as helpless and as defenseless as sheep. They had not died as soldiers die in the heat of battle, fired with ardor and courage, with weapons in their hands, and exchanging blow for blow. They had died as the helpless must, with their hearts and brains bursting with horror worse than death itself."

p. 109 (second paragraph).
"The method of execution was for an Armenian government 'mauserist' to walk up behind the condemned Muslim in his home or on the Street, place a pistol to the back of his head and blow out his brains. This simple way of getting rid of those who were undesirable in the view of the Armenian government and soon became a common way of paying debts."

Armenian guerillas

Armenian guerillas

 From the Foreword:
"For example, we were camped one night in a half-ruined Tartar mosque, the most habitable building of a destroyed village, near the border of Persia and Russian Armenia. During the course of evening I asked Ohanus if he could tell me anything of the history of the village and the cause of its destruction. In his matter of fact way he replied, Yes, I assisted in its sack and destruction, and witnessed the slaying of those whose bones you saw today  scattered among its ruins.'

The following are comments by Professor Davras Yavuz of The Hague, Holland (From a 12-1-97 letter in The Turkish Times); he says: 

"...Some Armenian organizations have had systematic campaigns to destroy every copy they could find for many years and very few remain."

Holdwater adds: I can see why! One of the Armenians' own completely smashed their "Myth of Innocence."

"The book contains pages of many more such accounts, clearly indicating the terrible massacres the Armenian Government (with the collusion of many of the populace, of course) perpetrated. Subsequently the Ottoman forces busy in North Africa trying to defend their last bits of territory were withdrawn and sent to Eastern Turkey to claim back the Ottoman territories taken by the Armenians through the massacre of about 2.5 million Muslims (many Tartars, Kurds)."

(Holdwater believes around a fifth of that number were massacred by Armenians, with the help of Russians. Here is a better accounting of "Men Are Like That.")

 LALAYAN, According to Yavuz, was One of the Architects of the Armenians' Campaign to Systematically Kill Off Their Muslim Neighbors

"I killed Muslims by every means possible. Yet it is sometimes a pity to waste bullets for this. The best way is to gather all of these dogs and throw them into wells and then fill the wells with big and heavy stones. as I did. I gathered all of the women. men and children, threw big stones down on top of them. They must never live on this earth."

A. Lalayan, Revolutsionniy Vostok (Revolutionary East) No: 2-3, Moscow, 1936.

(ADDENDUM, 05-06: Poor Lalaian, who has been libeled here and in so many other places, was a Soviet-Armenian historian! The words refer to an unnamed crazy killer Dashnak officer who was proud of his murderous misdeeds. Here is another translation of the above statement. Sorry, Comrade Lalaian!)

Armenian Fiction supports the notion that "Armenians have... slain more Turks than Turks have Armenians."

"...Armenians were like that."

 On occasion, even works of fiction can be a useful means of gaining some insight into history. This is particularly true when one attempts to sort out the conflicting versions of events which typify Turco-Armenian history of the era of the First World War. A case in point is found in a short-story published by the British author Michael Arlen (born: Dikran Kuyumjian) in 1924. Specifically, his collection of short stories entitled, These Charming People, includes a story called “The Man With The Broken Nose.” The “man” in question, an Armenian, engages in the following conversation with the unnamed narrator and his friend, Tarlyon:


‘You see sir,’ he said gravely, ‘I know all about killing. I have killed many men.... ‘

‘Army Service Corps?’ inquired Tarylon.

‘No sir,’ snapped the stranger. ‘I know nothing of your Corps. I am a Zeytounli.’

 ‘Please have patience with me, I begged the stranger. ‘What is a Zeytounli?’

He regarded me with those smoldering dark eyes; and I realized vividly that his nose had been broken in some argument which had cost the other man more than a broken nose.

‘Zeytoun,* he said, ‘is a fortress in Armenia. For five hundred years Zeytoun has not laid down her arms, but now she is burnt stones on the ground. The Zeytounlis, sir, are the hillmen of Armenia. I am an Armenian.’

‘Oh, I’m so sorry,’ Tarlyon murmured.

‘Why?’ snapped the Armenian.

‘Well, you’ve been treated pretty badly, haven’t you?’ said Tarlyon. ‘All those massacres and things....’

The stranger glared at him, and then he laughed at him. I shall remember that laugh. So will Tarlyon.

Then the stranger raised a finger and, very gently, he tapped Tarlyon’s shoulder.

‘Listen,’ said he. 'Your manner of speaking bores me. Turks have slain many Armenians. Wherefore Armenians have slain many Turks. You may take it from me that, by sticking to it year in and year out for five hundred years, Armenians have in a tactful way slain more Turks than Turks have Armenians. That is why I am proud of being an Armenian. And you would oblige me, gentlemen, by informing your countrymen that we have no use for their discarded trousers, which are anyway not so good in quality as they were, but would be grateful for some guns.’

He left us.

‘I didn’t know,’ I murmured, ‘that Armenians were like that. I have been misled about Armenians. And he speaks English very well.. . ‘

‘Hum,’ said Tarylon thoughtfully. ‘But no one would say he was Armenian if he wasn’t, would he?’*


This is an interesting crack in the portrait Armenians have so carefully drawn of themselves as ‘helpless victims of the ruthless Turks.’ Here, some sixty-two years ago, an Armenian author let down his guard for a moment and in a passage of ‘fiction’ managed to shed a great deal of light on the real nature of Turkish-Armenian relations during World War I.

Someone might well direct the attention of Dikran Kuyumjian’s son, Michael Arlen, Jr., the author of Passage to Ararat, in which the myth of Armenian innocence is raised to new heights, to his father’s short-story, “The Man With the Broken Nose.”


*Quoted in Grant Overton, Cargoes for Crusoes. (New York & Boston), 1924. See the essay entitled: “A Reasonable View of Michael Arlen,” pp. 266-276.


The preceding was published as "Quote of the Month" in the Winter 1986-87 issue of ATA-USA


Avetis Aharonian, From Sardarapat to Sevres and Lausanne; Armenian Review, Vol. 16, No. 3-63, Autumn, Sep. 1963, pp. 47-57.

p. 52 (second paragraph).

Avetis Aharonian

Avetis Aharonian

"Your three Armenian chiefs, Dro, Hamazasp and Kulkhandanian are the ringleaders of the bands which have destroyed Muslim villages and have staged massacres in Zangezour, Surmali, Etchmiadzin, and Zangibasar. This is intolerable. Look — and here he pointed to a file of official documents on the table — look at this, here in December are the reports of the last few months concerning ruined Muslim villages which my representative Wardrop has sent me. The official Tartar communique speaks of the destruction of 300 villages by the Armenians."

p. 54 (fifth paragraph).

"Yes, of course. I repeat, until this massacre of the Muslim is
stopped and the three chiefs are not removed from your military leadership I hardly think we can supply you arms and ammunition.

It is the armed bands led by Dro, Hamazasp and Kulkhandanian who during the past months have raided and destroyed many Muslim villages in the regions of Surmali, Etchmiadzin, Zangezour, and Zangibasar. There are official charges of massacres by the Armenians."

(The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey, A Disputed Genocide, 2005, p. 114.)

"The Turks had killed and exiled all Armenians, looted their homes, burned down their houses. The Russian victorious armies, reinforced with Armenian volunteers, had slaughtered every Turk they could find, destroyed every house they entered. The once beautiful Bitlis city, under the retreated feet of defeated soldiers and incoming armies, was left in fire and ruins."

Haig Shiroyan, Smiling through the Tears, p. 186

"Having disposed of about sixty Turks living in the village [of Fundejak, near the city of Marash] they [the Armenian villagers] were ready to fight for their lives."

Pastor Abraham H. Hartunian, Neither to Laugh Nor to Weep: A Memoir of the Armenian Genocide, trans. Vartan Hartunian, p. 58

The above massacre is confirmed by American relief worker Stanley Kerr, drawing on another Armenian source. (The Lions of Marash: Personal Experiences with American Near East Relief, 1919-1922, p. 19.) Guenter Lewy adds: "The pastor's choice of the word 'dispose' to describe the killing of Turkish villagers is typical of Armenian writing, in which, as [Gwynne] Dyer has correctly observed, "Muslim massacres of Christians are a heinous and inexcusable outrage; Christian massacres of Muslims are, well, understandable and forgivable." [Turkish Falsifiers and Armenian Deceivers," p. 105.]

 Is that IT?

Well, don't blame me! Keep in mind the Armenians come as close to being a single-willed monolith as a people can muster. There are few instances where they have let their guard down and personally admitted to their brutalities. (Since their entire M.O. has been to commit the crimes, and then cry to the West that they have been victimized, after the counter-measures finally follow.) Many of these original sources that go against the Armenians' entire raison d'etre (that is, "")... such as The 1923 Manifesto of Hovhannes Katchaznouni, Armenia's First Prime Minister...have been picked off the shelves of libraries and bookstores by the Diaspora faithful, in an effort to erase the critical evidence by their own against them.

So why don't I do what Armenian web sites do when they provide "evidence" prepared by Armenians... and similarly provide reports written by Turks? I've largely avoided doing so, because I realize the impartial observer will question the credibility of the accused. (Not to mention the many brainwashed partial observers, but these sad souls are usually beyond redemption.) I invite you to scour this web site... you will find plenty of testimony by Westerners who DON'T have reason to love the Turks and who HAVE provided testimony to the atrocities performed by the Armenians.

Don't forget this following report written by an Orthodox brother, Russian officer Lt. Col. Twerdokhleboff... who kept a diary between 1917 and 1918, on the inhuman actions of the Armenians. Below, you'll find eyewitness reports of two other Russians I've taken from the same page. (And when I say "eyewitness," they were most certainly "eyewitnesses"... unlike the bulk of missionaries and American consuls who are often falsely termed as "eyewitnesses.")

The Armenian committee member (Mardo), Tigris from Diarbekir, posing in front of the Turkish villager they killed.

This photo is said to be of the Armenian committee member (Mardo?), along with "Tigris" from Diabekir, proudly posing in front of the Turkish villager they killed. (From the documentary, "Sari Gelin.")

Fortunately ("Fortunately"?? What am I saying?), the bloodthirstiness and massacring of the innocent that is common to Armenians was displayed in recent history, when the Armenians pulled a sneak, cowardly attack on neighbor Azerbaijan during the early 1990s. Here is only a portion of Western media reports on the atrocious way in which Armenian soldiers handled themselves. Not to mention their actions during World War II, when their job mostly became (having proven themselves as poor soldiers at the front) that of doing what they do best: persecuting the innocent, primarily (in this case) the Jews.

Granted, such criminality does not prove Armenians acted similarly during the First World War... but they lend significant further evidence as to what might have happened, because the essential nature of a people does not change. Contrast the Armenians with the impeccable way Turkish soldiers behaved since the World War I era. (In Korea, for example, admiring Chinese prisoners would say... in the only English they had learned... "Turkish soldiers Number One!"


Holdwater: Keep in mind these Russians were most likely not Turk-lovers and had no other agenda, like missionaries and "Christian" American consuls; they were simply telling the truth.

"More than 800 unarmed, defenseless Turks were murdered. The Armenians had dug gigantic trenches into which the poor Turks were thrown after being slaughtered, like a herd of cattle. An Armenian who directed the execution counted the unhappy victims.  'That's seventy,' he roared, 'there (is) still room for ten more; hack away! ' And another ten wretches were slaughtered to fill up the gap, which was then filled in with a little earth. The army contractor wanted to provide a little diversion for his own benefit. He locked into a house eighty wretched victims, and then had them let out one after another while he smashed in their skulls with his own hand."

Commander-in-Chief, Odichelidze, who also reported that in the village of Ilidja all Turks who were unable to escape were massacred; he saw numbers of corpses of children whose heads had been hacked off with blunt axes.

This same officer, identified as "Russian General L. Odishe Liyetze" is reported to have written in his diary: "On the nights 11-12 March alone Armenian butchers bayoneted and axed to death Muslim people in areas surrounding Erzincan. These barbarians threw their victims into pits, most likely dug according to their sinister plans to extinguish Muslims, in groups of 80. My adjutant counted and unearthed 200 such pits. This is an act against our world of civilization."

...Lieutenant-Colonel Griaznoff (spelled "Griyaznof," elsewhere), who returned from Ilidja on the 28th February, 1918, three weeks after the slaughter, related what he had seen:

" In the courtyard of the mosque the corpses lay heaped to a depth of two lance-lengths. There were bodies of men, women, children, old people, people of every age."

"On the (of) 27th February, the Armenians crucified a Turkish woman-still alive — on a wall after tearing out her heart; she was hung head downwards."

(The source for these are unknown, but I came across them in two separate areas, translated by two separate parties, with the name spellings differing... but the messages were exactly the same, even if the words did not exactly match. It's possible the top quote ["More than 800..."] is from Griaznoff/Griyaznof, and not the general.)


A presumed Russian source:

"The killings were organized by the doctors and the employers, and
the act of killing was committed solely by the Armenian Army. More than eighty thousand unarmed and defenceless Muslims have been massacred in Erzincan and Erzurum. Large holes were dug and the defenceless Muslims were slaughtered like animals next to the holes. Later, the murdered Muslims were thrown into the holes. The Armenian who stood near the hole would say when the hole was filled with the corpses: 'Seventy dead bodies, well, this hole can take ten more.' Thus ten more Muslims would be cut into pieces, thrown into the hole, and when the hole was full it would be covered over with soil.

The Armenians responsible for the act of murdering would frequently fill a house with eighty Muslims, and cut their heads off one by one. Following the Erzincan massacre, the Armenians began to withdraw towards Erzurum... The Armenian Army among those who withdrew to Erzurum from Erzincan raided the Moslem villages on the road, and destroyed the entire population, together with the villages."

Dr. Azmi Suslu, Russian View on the Genocide Committed by
the Armenians Against the Muslims,
1987, pp. 45-53.



Yakovlev Report

"The reports received by the First Caucasian Army Commander reveals that some Armenian rebels active in the region have gone to cities and settlements and established themselves at households there. They refuse to abide by the orders of the castle commander. The undisciplined and immoral doings of these teams have reached such an extent that they are subjecting the civilians to violence."

Colonel Yakovlev, Jan. 29, 1915, in a National Communist Party Central Committee report, Classified/Archive/348; note the pre-"April 24" date.


Prof. Kallerya Bellova

Prof. Kallerya Bellova


Following the takeover of Van, local Turks were killed... Russian commanders witnessed incidents of rape, robbery and murder there. Documents pertaining to these are available at the History of War Museum.

Prof. Kallerya Bellova, Moscow State University



"When the Armenian volunteers taking the stolen spoils, the Russian soldiers trying to hinder them was shot by the Armenians. Moreover, the volunteers are plundering continuously and find pleasure in any kind of committing murder. In order (to) end these murders, a Council of War was established in Van. In addition, to prevent these crimes, it was deemed necessary to form the unities of discipline."



 First Lieutenant Abgral, Commander of the Russian Forces at Erzurum (while Erzurum was still under the Russian occupation during the First World War) testifies to the atrocities perpetrated against the defenseless
people at Erzurum by Armenians, in an official report forwarded to the Commander of the Caucasian Army on March 3. 1918


"Massacre of Muslims By Armenians

Russian Official Document No. 31

Erzurum, March 3, 1918

To the Commander of the Caucasian Army

On February 26, 1918, at mid-day, a company of militia began to assemble the Turks in order to make them clean up the railways and the roads leading to the fortification. This order came from General Antranik. But it was carried out by the chief of the militia of the town, named M. Farachian. The Turks complained and said that they were being gathered together without taking into consideration the prescribed formalities, according to which a written order should be issued by the Commandant of the town... I at once communicated with M. Farachian who told me that the above-mentioned had been abolished in view of the circumstances... Thus three sections of workers were formed. One section was sent to the gate of Kars; second, towards the gate of Oltu; third toward the gate of Trebizond. At about three o’clock I was informed by one of my soldiers that the Turks of Kars, referred to above, were taken behind the fortification of Azizie. I realised the true significance of this expression, used by soldiers, only on February 27. While leaving Erzurum, I saw on the road of Kars more than 70 dead bodies (Turkish) riddled with bullets on the head, the neck and the chest as well as wounds from bayonets in the region of the heart and the abdomen. With the second section of the Turks the Armenians dealt in the following manner:

The Turks were enclosed in barracks, made of wood, where they were so crowded up that they could hardly sit down. On that night, according to the testimonies of the workers on the railway line, the Armenians began shooting the Turks one by one and at a given moment they began firing on the barracks. The third section, according to my informants, was shot by machine-guns at the gate of Trebizond. Now I shall endeavour to draw a picture of February 26, the night of nightmare and blood. The Armenians entered, several times by force, the houses of the Turks and seized the male section from the age of 11 up to very aged, and formed them in columns and led them with blows of whips and rifles, outside the town, where they massacred them in the most savage manner. Once I asked them where they were taking the Turks and if it was to make them work? "No" replied the soldiers with an air of satisfaction "we shall probably kill them. "

When I told them: "It is insane, come back to reason," they replied to me: "For the love of God, do not prevent us. We do not touch you at all and what we do with them it is not your business."There was a great excitement in the town; every one was running about. Cries of children and lamentations of Turkish women were heard everywhere in the town. The Armenian soldiers were walking about in groups in the town and were continually forcing open the doors of Turkish houses. Finally, came the terrible night that shook the spirit of desolation. The blood congeals at the thought of the horror of this night. The cries increased. One should like to go to the rescue of the unfortunate victims, but when one goes there, one receives everywhere the impertinent answer "do not interfere" which is accompanied with threats. I heard the cries of women. I opened the door and climbing up the stairs I entered a room. Here I saw seven Armenian soldiers fully armed, one of them holding a candle in his hand, some searching for what they could find and some were massacring in a savage manner. There were three unveiled Turkish women, down whose faces blood was trickling. Their blouses were torn showing their breasts covered with blood. On their sides, children were there so terrified that they appeared dead with fear. A child cried out in an extraordinary voice opening the eyes full of tears. One of the Armenians prevented it from crying, but the terrified child understood nothing and kept on crying. Then the Armenian delivered a blow on the head of the child with his rifle and the child stopped crying and fell on the floor. When the mother saw the child in this condition she began to sob. Then he slaughtered the child with his bayonet and landed a blow on the head of the mother and bayoneted her. The other women seeing this began to cry with their hands over the eyes. The children folded their arms and awaited their turn with bent heads, but at once a dagger was aimed at my abdomen. I thought it advisable to retire. I came out of the house. I heard a carriage coming. I at once recognized that it was that of the commander of the militia, M. Farachian. I begged him to enter the house; he roughly answered me thus: "when Armenia boils one cannot think about individuals" and asked me at once why I did not enter myself to stop these fools. I replied that I was a Russian and they would not listen to me. M. Farachian then told me "I am surprised that at such a moment you should find enough time to busy yourself with such silly things." I left him and walked for a long time in the streets. I also visited the Turkish quarters. Everywhere the same horrible picture that breaks one’s heart was to be seen, the same cries, the same moaning of women and children. The victims of these crimes have been so numerous that I take the liberty of saying that only 250 Turks, who could hide themselves, have been left alive in the whole town. The Armenians, having learned of this, began to reclaim them from the Russian officers. They also called at my house where they searched for them everywhere, even in the cupboards and under beds. But they forgot to search the garret where I had hidden a Turkish family.

The following scene, which took place in the house of the former military cashier is characteristic. I happened to be there by chance. I found a few Armenians there. They were seated before a lamp and were picking out some articles in gold, rings, bracelets and other articles that they had robbed. One of them told me that he could not take a bracelet of the wrist of a woman as she would not open. I myself ascertained this fact. He had to cut the hand and the fingers of the woman (he himself said this) to take the bracelet, etc. off. The Armenians set the town on fire. They also burned non-military buildings and the house of the American Consul, M. Stempleten. Now and then we heard rifle reports; they completely massacred the remainder before the arrival of the Turkish Army. All the roads leading from the gate of Kars to Hasankale were covered with massacred Turkish bodies, despoiled of their dresses, and the noses and ears of a great number of them had been cut off. We came close to Hasankale and saw a group of Turkish prisoners along the railroad who were led by An Armenian soldier, who make them run. Those who happened to be behind were being whipped and hit on the heads. Their faces were covered with blood. Finally, we arrived at Hasankale. Among these prisoners was a blind old man, accompanied by a boy. The blind old man groping his way and the boy had no more strength left to help the old man. A soldier on horseback began to beat them. These poor persons were wiping the blood off their faces without uttering a word. They kept quiet thus hoping to be spared the martyrdom. But fate had it differently, as soon as they reached Hasankale, the crowd that awaited them massacred them at once by fusillade. We proceeded on to Keupry-Keuy. On arriving there I alighted from the train. I suddenly heard cries from the direction of Hasankale and saw a crowd of Turks running. I counted them afterwards and found them to be 40.

In front of them there were two soldiers on horseback, who, from their uniform, seemed to be officers. But I am not certain of that (their ranks). The horsemen who were in front made their horses trot and gallop and the Turks had to imitate them. Those who were unable to do so were beaten. Sometimes the horsemen would stop suddenly then the human momentum caused by inertia brought the prisoners almost up to the horsemen, the horsemen landed blows of rifle on their heads, made them pass through a group of carts; at a given time they had to come down a slope; a Turk fell down and this did not please one of the horsemen who went up to him and drew his sword and delivered a blow cutting open his (Turkish)forehead and lips. The wounded Turk attempted to rise but the horseman shot him dead. At this time the Armenians began shooting the prisoners and within five minutes there lay 40 warm dead bodies of the Turks on the side of our wagon. A few Armenians not content with this went and examined the bodies and fired a few more shots at those who showed any sign of life. All along the railroad we saw the same thing. For example at Horasan the Armenians opened fire on the Turks working on the railway lines. Happily only two were killed there; Russian mechanics bandaged the wounds of the wounded and carried them to the barracks. When we arrived at Karaurgan we learned that all the wounded had died.

First Lieutenant ABGRAL

Military Commandant of the town of Erzurum.

Erzurum, March 3, 1918.

This Russian official document was published in the issue of 18 March 1920, No. 22, of the Weekly Bulletin “Muslim Outlook” published in London. The Bulletin was provided from the University of California Los Angeles Library. (See: UCLA call No. BP/14976 Mar. 1920-Aug. 1920). Courtesy of ARCHIVE DOCUMENTS ABOUT THE ATROCITIES AND GENOCIDE INFLICTED UPON TURKS BY ARMENIANS



"When I and Khachatur entered the house, our soldiers had nailed a 13-year-old Turkish child to the window.He was making much noise so Khachatur put mother's cut breast into his mouth. I skinned his chest and belly. Seven minutes later the child died. As I used to be a doctor I was humanist and didn't consider myself happy for what I had done to a 13-year-old Turkish child. But my soul was proud for taking 1percent of vengeance of my nation. Then Khachatur cut the body into pieces and threw it to a dog of same origin with Turks. I did the same to three Turkish children in the evening. I did my duty as an Armenian patriot. Khachatur had sweated much. But I saw struggle of revenge and great humanism in his and other soldiers' eyes. The next day we went to the church to clear our souls from what done previous day. But we were able to clear Khojali from slops of 30 thousand people."

Zori Balayan, “Revival of Our Souls,” 1996 , pages 260-262; as excerpted by Baris Sanli, "Russian Finger Inside Capitol Hill : Armenian Lobby?" (Ocrober 17, 2007.) His outraged comment: "A nation proud of a massacre is joyfully dropping a note to the history!"

"I arrived in Bayburt on August 8, 1917. What I saw was terrifying. Armenians under the Russian administration were committing horrifying, wild atrocities against Turks in Bayburt and Ispir. The rebels named Arshak and Antranik, slaughtered the children in the orphanage I worked at with their daggers. They raped young girls and women. They took away 150 children with them while they were withdrawing from Bayburt and killed most of them while they were still on the way."

Red Cross Attendant Tatiana Karameli, student of Russian Medicine School, serving at Russian Red Cross 1917-18, memoirs. Ottoman Archives BOA HR. SYS. 2877/1

Ambassador Mark Bristol, recorded in his War Diary, August 14, 1922 (U.S. 867.000/1540):

"I know from reports of my own officers who served with General Dro that defenseless villages were bombarded and then occupied, and any inhabitants that had not run away were brutally killed, the village pillaged, and all the livestock confiscated, and then the village burned. This was carried out as a regular systematic getting-rid-of the Muslims."

More on Armenian hero General Dro

"Mysterious" Obliteration

Source: Hovannisian, Richard G.: 'Armenia on the Road
to Independence,' 1918. University of California Press
(Berkeley and Los Angeles), 1967, p. 13.

"The addition of the Kars and Batum oblasts to the
Empire increased the area of Transcaucasia to over
130,000 square miles. The estimated population of the
entire region in 1886 was 4,700,000, of whom 940,000
(20 percent) were Armenian, 1,200,000 (25 percent)
Georgian, and 2,220,000 (45 percent) Moslem. Of the
latter group, 1,140,000 were Tatars. Paradoxically,
barely one-third of Transcaucasia's Armenians lived in
the Erevan guberniia, where the Christians constituted
a majority in only three of the seven uezds."

In 1920, '0' percent Muslim.

(Han Mutlu)

Holdwater: Reader Conan pointed out the Muslim percentage above works out to 47%, not 45%. The 1926 Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the Soviets' Encyclopedia Britannica, provided the 1918 Azeri population of Erivan at 38%. This figure would not exactly go down to "Zero" percent in a couple of years, but would come awfully close... in what a writer from a 1990 issue of The Jewish Times would call "an appropriate analogy to the Holocaust." Here is how Dr. Gerard Libaridian dealt with the issue, in 1982.


"In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists a single Turkish soul."

Sahak Melkonian, Preserving the Armenian Purity, 1920

A Turkish Source

Basar, H. K. (ed.); 'Muslim and Russian Documents on
the Genocide Committed by the Armenians Against the
Muslims,' 1981.

p. 22.

"The atrocities and massacres which have been
committed for a long time against the Muslim
population within the Armenian Republic have been
confirmed with very accurate information, and the
observations made by Rawlinson, the British
representative in Erzurum, have confirmed that these
atrocities were being committed by the Armenians. The
United States delegation of General Harbord has seen
the thousands of refugees who came to take refuge with
Kazim Karabekir's soldiers, hungry and miserable,
their children and wives, their properties destroyed,
and the delegation was a witness to the cruelties.
Many Muslim villages have been destroyed by the
soldiers of Armenian troops armed with cannons and
machine guns before the eyes of Karabekir's troops and
the people. When it was hoped that this operation
would end, unfortunately since the beginning of
February the cruelties inflicted on the Muslim
population of the region of Shuraghel, Akpazar,
Zarshad, and Childir have increased. According to
documented information, 28 Muslim villages have been
destroyed in the aforementioned region, more than
60,000 people have been slaughtered, many possessions
and livestock have been seized, young Muslim women
have been taken to Kars and Gumru, thousands of women
and children who were able to flee their villages were
beaten, raped and massacred in the mountains, and this
aggression against the properties, lives, chastity and
honour of the Muslims continued. It was the
responsibility of the Armenian Government that the
cruelties and massacres be stopped in order to
alleviate the tensions of Muslim public opinion due to
the atrocities committed by the Armenians, that the
possessions taken from the Muslims be returned and
that indemnities be paid, that the properties, lives,
and honour of the Muslims be protected."


Further light on this period of the conflict can be found in the Bristol Papers.

A case study of Armenian inhumanity: The Destruction of Ottoman Erzurum by Armenians



Richard Hovannisian on Armenian Atrocities

(From Hovannisian's The Republic of Armenia, Volume III, as related by Sam Weems' "Armenia: Secrets of a 'Christian' Terrorist State," pp. 190-192)

In 1918, during World War I, perhaps as many as 350,000 Muslims in Armenia became destitute refugees, a third of whom also became “homeless living in misery along the Ottoman frontier.” (P178)

The Azerbaijani foreign ministry and press frequently protested the maltreatment of the Turkic population under Armenian domination. Aside from doing nothing to prevent atrocities committed by Western Armenian irregulars, the Erevan government was charged with disregarding the Mus­lim destitute, who were denied shelter medical attention, and employment. Of the nearly 15,000 needy in and around the capital city, fewer than 2,500 received even a daily bowl of soup. Furthermore, Armenian welfare agencies knew full well that the disease-ridden Turkish Armenians settled in barracks in the Muslim quarter of Erevan would infect and thus decimate the native inhabitants. (P178)

And the Armenians made up the story that the Ottomans committed genocide:

On August 1, Khan Tekinskii, the Azerbaijani envoy in Erevan, claimed that 300 Muslim villages had been de­stroyed since the beginning of 1918, that the only nondiscrimination shown by Armenians was in their slaugh­ter of men, women, and children alike, that Muslim suffering was so intense that thousands were trying to move to Azerbaijan, and that those who had taken arms against the Armenian bandits were simply exercising their right to de­fend lives, property, and homes. In Paris, too, the Azerbaijani delegation launched a propaganda campaign to change the image of the Armenians as a helpless, victimized people and to point out what could be expected in areas placed under their domination. On August 20 Topchibasheer warned the peace conference that the ethnic and territorial character of the Caucasus was being radically altered through a policy of terror and violence. Armenian aggression in the provinces of Erevan and Kars. . . was aimed at eliminating the Muslim population and suppressing the principle of self-determina­tion. It had just been learned, for example, that the men of six villages had been massacred and their womenfolk dis­tributed to the ‘Armenian Warriors.’ Azerbaijan could no longer tolerate such atrocities acquiesce in the loss of a part of its land and people. (P180)

And the Armenians today speak of genocide. There was one and they committed it. Is it any wonder American officers at the time spoke of how terrible the Armenian troops were?

Consider these facts, as recorded by Armenian Hovannisian:

When Muslim villagers attempted to defend their lands by attempting to seize the roads and bridges spanning the Araxes River, Armenian militiamen and irregulars exacted retribution from the most vulnerable Muslim settlements and sacked the large villages of Djanfida and Kiarim-Arkb. News of this operation elicited bitter recriminations from the small Social Revolutionary and Muslim factions in the Armenian Parliament. On August 24 Arsham Khondkarian used the tactic of parliamentary questions to ask if the interior ministry knew that a number of Tatar villages had been pillaged and depopulated, that Armenian civilians had participated in the action, and that such outrages created a most detrimental atmosphere. He received no satisfactory reply.

Khondkarian's pointed questioning was frequently cited in Azerbaijani sources as proof of Armenian culpability. Incorporating this evidence in a formal protest on September 22, Foreign Minister Jafarov charged that the recent pogroms had devastated some fifty Muslim settlements. Public opinion in Azerbaijan was incensed, and the government, revolted by the atrocities, demanded strong measures to ensure the safety of Muslims. [P181]

There you have it: an Armenian scholar calling his country's actions against Muslims "atrocities." The Armenians must, if they are true believers in Christ, right their own wrongs before calling on Turkey or anyone else to apologize . The Armenians must apologize for their terrible acts of 1918 and 1919 against Muslims. They must give back the lands of more than 1 million Muslims forced out of their homes and farms in 1992.


A Russian Officer's diary: the Armenians' "Barbarous Cruelties"

A Massacre at Van

Documentation of Massacres upon Turks by Armenians


An outside source:

A Russian investigates Armenian massacres in Azerbaijan, 1918

"West" Accounts


Armenian Views
Geno. Scholars


Turks in Movies
Turks in TV


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